ROC Compliance

/ROC Compliance

ROC Compliance

Apart from the income Tax regulations a Company also operates in parlance with the rules and regulations as mandated by the Companies Law and so is subject to much mandatory compliance which are administered by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). Some of these compliances are static in nature i.e. it is applicable as soon as the Private Limited Company is incorporation. On the other hand majority of the compliances are applicable based on the type of transactions/business that the company is doing/planning to do.

Finegral provides all these services which help you concentrate on building your business without defaulting on any of the Compliance’s.

Our Expertise

At Finegral there is dedicated team of Company Secretaries to look after all the ROC compliances of your Company so you don’t end up paying penalties and late fees for default on these compliances.

Annual Compliances :

Conducting of Board Meetings and General Meetings

Maintaining the Statutory Registers

Submission of Balance Sheet and Annual Return

Directors Disclosures

Event based compliances:

Change in Name of the Company

Alteration in Share capital

Alteration in business object

Shifting of Registered office

Change in Management/Shareholding of the Company

Why choose Us?

Finegral is a professionally run service organization with a wide expertise in all aspects of the finance, tax and accounting domain catering to the micro, small and medium enterprises with the highest level of Business Etiquettes, Commitments and Honesty.

Dedicated Support Team

We have a dedicated customer support team, maintaining an average turn around time  8 working Hours.

Competitive Pricing

We have a competitive pricing for all our services with an Honest Commitment and Quality.

Single window Service

We offer an entire bouquet of finance tax secretarial under a single window.